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Mysteries of...
Sep 26, 2009 at 05:32 AM

The Basye Vortex
- Anomaly, Enigma, Draw of the Hidden - 


Vortex. Pl. vortices.
1.a. In older theories of the universe (esp. that of Descartes), a supposed rotatory movement of cosmic matter round a centre or axis [...] - a body of such matter rapidly carried around in a continuous whirl. - The Oxford English Dictionary 

"There is something about the energy in this place. Someone ought to look
into it scientifically." -- Elizabeth Kübler-Ross at Orkney Springs, VA,  1995.

The Matrix -- how does Neo STOP BULLETS? Avatar Flux Vortex.
Treasure of the Shendo. And much, much more.

Now also on


... "there will be a hustling to analyze the genealogical blood. It will not then be asked, 'Is not this the carpenter's son,' but whose son is he?" -- Isaac Walter Basye, letter to The Boston Evening Transcript, April 27, 1903.


pro nutatione axios terren
obliquitate eclipticae

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COPYRIGHT NOTICE:  The Basye Vortex™ and Cartesian Dreamtime™ are a Trademarks of Studios St-Sulpice. Photos and written materials are copyrighted, © 2002-2010 Studios St-Sulpice. All Rights Reserved to the full extent protected by state, U.S. and international laws, except for items in the public domain, unless otherwise noted near the item where it appears, or at the foot of the page on which the item appears. We thank Wikipedia for materials in the public domain or licensable for re-use; and also want to express our appreciation to the Creative Commons for their licenses. Brief quotations of the materials on this site, with attribution, are permitted. For longer quotations or other permission to use content that appears on the Basye Vortex website written permission is required. To obtain such permission, please contact us via email at basyevortex | at | yahoo |dot| com

Copyright notice: The image of the interior of the Église Saint-Sulpice on this page is modified from a photograph provided to the Wikimedia Commons courtesy of Cesary Piwowarski, under the Creative CommonsAttribution ShareAlike 3.0, Attribution ShareAlike 2.5, Attribution ShareAlike 2.0, Attribution ShareAlike 1.0 License. In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it only under a license identical to this one. Official license

Quick links:  |  Lempi Ikävalko  |  Kaisu Mentu  |  Spiritual Vortex Energy  |  Healing Clays  |  Orkney Springs VA  |  Shrine Mont  |  New Age Leading Voices  |  Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Abdul Aziz Said, José Argüelles, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Ray Kurzweil, Fritjof Capra, Arundhati Roy  |  Daughters of the Stars  |  Vortex DNA  |  Lake Laura  |  The Genographic Project   |  FamilyTreeDNA  












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St-Sulpice, Paris


Do you see the inside of a helix in the design of the ceiling? © - image provided under
a Creative Commons license;
see foot of the Home page


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