Introduction Section
Written by Editor, Studios Saint-Sulpice
Dec 18, 2009 at 12:04 AM |

[image: the coat of arms of the City of Paris, designed at the direction of Napoleon Bonaparte, showing the goddess Isis seated on the prow of the ship, navigating by the star Sirius.]
If you are new to this web site and/or to vortices (also called "vortexes" in some places), visit two pages (Vortex Energy and our FAQ), and you're in business.
If you want to visit the Orkney Springs / Basye Vortex area specifically, you should also read the Touring the Vortex page. And if you would like to know more about the name, "Basye" (recommended) and its French roots, please visit the Lake Laura page and scroll down.
That's all, you say? yep, that's all. The rest of the site is there if you want to explore further. For instance, you might be interested in knowing what a picture designed at the order of Napoleon for the coat of arms of Paris (the French capital, bien sur), has to do with natural energies in the Virginia countryside. Or you might not.