Quite a bit, actually.
Basye, VA is from a French Huguenot (Protestant) family name. French Protestants fled persecution, starting in the latter half of the 16th C., and emigrated from France to a number of destinations including England and America. To all evidence, Basye was named by Martha Basye (1867 - 1938) who was the wife of William Bryce. However, the interesting question is of the original derivation of the Basye name. It is an unusual name, and the spelling, with the "ye" ending, does not mirror French language convention.
Although she is not named in the Bible, tradition holds that the daughter of Pharaoh who found Moses was called Batyah, or Bathia; she is so named, for instance, in the Book of Jasher (the Hebrew Sefer Hayasher), which is not included in the Old Testament but to which two references are made. The variants of "Batyah" or "Bathia" and "Basya" include Bas-shevah (or Bathsheba), and by contraction the name Basye. "Bas," "Bat" and "Bath" all signify "daughter." Depending on the interpretation, the name means either "oath of God," "daughter of God," or most directly "the seventh daughter." (The"Yah" or "ya" or "ye" on the end is considered to be a contraction of the name of God.)
In any case the linking of this name to the finding of Moses, and hence to discovering divinity in or on water, is naturally interesting because the soft energy of the Basye Vortex is so closely related to streams, both underground and above ground; and there are seven springs in Orkney Springs which, furthermore, are symbols of spiritual fertility and wisdom. The Biblical Bath-sheba (Bas-sheva), who became the wife of David, was also the mother of Solomon (or wisdom); just as her earlier namesake, the Egyptian princess Batyah (tradition holds that this was the name by which the Hebrews referred to her), nursed Moses, who also represented wisdom as the leader of the Jews.
The name "Basye" is possibly related to all of these concepts.
The most vivid link between Basye and ancient myths of springs and rivers is via the Old Testament account, through which Basye is also connected to Egypt. That account not only takes place in Egypt, but it has definitely parallels in Egyptian mythology, because both Moses and Osiris wound up floating in the Nile, to be discovered by a woman who, in effect, helped return the discovery to his proper destiny.
In the Egyptian narrative of a royal-discovery-on-a-river, the king Osiris was tricked by his enemies into entering a box (or coffin) - after which his body was hacked to pieces and cast in the river Nile. Isis and her sister Nephthys - the grieving women in whom, it is said, Holy Mary and Mary Magdalen find their archetypes - recovered the pieces of Osiris's body from the Nile and reconstituted him through prayer and divine assistance after which he ascended to godhood and the office of the Judge of the Dead in the afterworld.
From a mythological and literary perspective, springs represent the feminine divine, or the goddess. Through mythological and psychological association, the New Age especially would associate springs with the spiritual frequency of the constellation Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters. The fact that Orkney has (had) seven springs and the Senedo (Shendo) native Americans were known, according to legend*, as "The Daughters of the Stars" (see the quote from author Julia Davis on our Senedo page) seems, in view of these connections, like a fascinating coincidence -- and perhaps more.
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