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Gnostic Consciousness Print E-mail
Nov 18, 2009 at 01:08 PM

Gnostic Consciousness and the Meaning of Place

In interpreting what is being said about the Basye Vortex, especially in relation to other planetary centers, a few theses emerge:

1) “Vortex energy” is a global phenomenon that ties together diverse places through an affinity on the level of the vibratory frequencies that such locations emit, or to which they are tuned. Primary examples of these places are Machu Picchu in Peru; the Great Pyramid in Egypt; Mount Moses, also in Egypt; Sedona, AZ; and Saint-Sulpice and the abbey of St-Germain des Prés in Paris. 

2) The energy linking various vortex locations is analogous to an “optical fiber network” of gnostic awareness, helping to knit the global community of spiritual seekers, students, disciples and teachers in a planetary consciousness; and

3) Basye and Orkney Springs have a specific role and meaning in that community and that body of revelation; this role is at least speculatively related to the history of the Senedo native Americans and it is now in the process of being revealed. 

It also turns out that, without any conscious intent on our part, discussions about the meaning of the Basye Vortex, published on this website, have converged in theme and content with a topic that has reached a proverbial "roiling boil" in the kettle of contemporary culture. We are referring to the rewriting of Christian history through a revisionist view of Mary Magdalen and a proposed alternative biography of Jesus, all based on a revised - or restored - view of femininity. The energies of the Basye area, as we have always said, are part of a global change in this regard.


The Gnostic Tradition Reawakened

Gnosticism (or "knowing") is a doctrine shared by the three great religions of the Judeo-Christian tradition. It holds that as supported by meditation, prayer and divine beneficence, God can be experienced or known directly. Its corollary is that God is present everywhere but that in ordinary experience a veil of unknowing is inserted between human beings and the divine presence.

That this is a shared tradition and a unifying one, present equally in Judaism, Islam and Christianity, is not immediately obvious, because the three religions involved each call its mystics by a different name: in Christianity they arecalled "gnostics"; in Islam, they are known as Sufis; and Judaism calls its mystics Kabbalists or, variously, Hasidim. But they share the belief that God can be experienced; and for all three, devotion that has the aim of direct knowing of God, or the divine presence, involves penetration of the “veil of ignorance.” Hence the veil is a critically important metaphor. Eastern traditions have their counterparts of this knowing. It is the universal spiritual path.

New Age gnostics, active in the world and exploring the relationship between the visible and the invisible, the profane and the sacred, take this a step further: they believe that there are settings or situations in which the barrier separating us from the higher planes is more tenuous, and therefore more easily transited: such a place, especially as related to location, is sometimes known as a vortex. Vortices are of many types but they are all inherently or at least potentially spiritual, because they present energies that gently "tug" the soul toward awareness of God; and thus the vortex energy of a place combines the characteristics of a veil that separates us from higher reality, and of a portal that allows us to access it. This experience has a Biblical basis. For instance, in the New Testament, touching the robe of Jesus, through which blessings flowed to the woman who could not stop bleeding (see Mark 5), represented coming in direct healing contact with vortex energy.


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