Funky, general overview map. The vortex areas are summarily indicated, but not the individual vortices - also the Basye vortex zone behind the Bryce Resort, off Greenview Drive, falls off the map. We are working on a larger and more exact map for locating the vortices - when it is ready you will be able to obtain a copy by contacting us.
The locations of the Basye vortices are in Orkney Springs, VA (Chalice, Loop and Cathedral) and in Basye itself at Lake Laura, where there are three named vortices. Also as Stony Creek emerges out of Lake Laura and winds through valley where the Bryce golf course and airport are, the Basye vortex energy is on the hills on either side, plus on the other side of the resort complex, on the hills off Greenview Drive. Thus Basye has some unnamed vortices. If you visit the Cathedral Shrine and the Orkney Spring, and let yourself "sink into the moment," you will find the vortex there. In the same vein we are pleased that no one has put a sign on the Red Serpent or Horseshoe vortices on the Lake Laura bridle path.
Shrine Mont, a "village within a hamlet" is the name of a retreat / conference center and it is also the location of the Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration - the unique open-air church in Orkney Springs. It is the cathedral seat of the Bishop of Virginia for the Episcopal Church of the USA. Shrine Mont has a bookstore which, like the conference center, cottages and hotels, is run by the Moomaw family. Shrine Mont can be contacted at (540) 856 2141.
Mapquest.com; Meems Bottom Covered Bridge location noted on map. The Meems Vortex is on the west bank, just north of the bridge. It is about two-thirds of a mile, as the crow flies, from the Shenandoah Caverns.
LOCAL (Basye, O.S., Meems) LINKS:
Shrine Mont. Hard as it is to believe, Orkney Springs is still a secret in many respects, and the Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration all the more so.
Bryce Resort is the recreational center of the community. An 18-hole, professionally designed golf course, a club house restaurant and bar (The Lodge - call Bryce for hours); plus skiing, tennis, swimming and more.
Creekside Realty. The main realtor in Basye, located in town center where a tributary of Stoney Creek comes in. Ask for Don Bale.
Trish Snyder is the well-regarded broker-agent at Coldwell Banker Four Seasons Realty in Macanie, VA, a stone's throw from Basye.
Esoterica, the bookstore formerly known as Yesterday's Memories. Not exactly local, but worth noting, Esoterica is your full-spectrum New Age bookstore with Tarot cards, jewelry, palm readings, and eclectic items for the home; located in Leesburg, VA.
Caros.net is a casual but useful site that pulls together a lot of community resource links for the Basye - Orkney Springs region.
The St. Patrick Independent Catholic Community used to be based in Basye, is now in Lewes, DE, but we will link them here anyway, because they are extraordinary. If you would like a wedding ceremony tailored to your needs, please click on the link above.
The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia owns the historic hotel and conference facilities of Orkney Springs, not to mention the land on which the Seven Springs are located.
The Blue Ridge Truss & Supply company is a real manufacturing business, right in Basye. Founded in 1962, they have a reputation for making high quality, custom-designed roof- and floor trusses, as well as wall panels.
The Art Group is based in Mount Jackson - it is a nonprofit coop of Shenandoah Valley artists. Gallery, "First Fridays" (art, music, munchies, people) and more.
The Shenandoah Valley Music Festival has provided over 40 years of summer magic in Orkney Springs.
The Mount Jackson Official Website. Mount Jackson is located 12 miles east of Basye.Meems Bottom, where the Senedo dwelled, is just south of town and is known for its historical covered bridge.
The Town of Edinburg. Five miles north of Mount Jackson, Edinburg is part of the vortex area too - being the place through which Stoney Creek goes to meet the Shenandoah River.
Shenandoah County website, with links to official addresses, tourism, town info, maps etc.